Webintense Disclaimer

Webintense Disclaimer

Webintense and or The "Webintense Stealth" Project do not claim to own any of the software packages involved in the creation of the "Webintense Stealth" Virtual computer.

All packages used in the creation of "Webintense Stealth" are open source and free for all to use. Webintense only hosts the "Webintense Stealth" Project and is not responsible in any other area.

The "Webintense Stealth" Virtual computer comes with no warranty to the full extent of the law. "Webintense Stealth" is a collection of open source software packages used to create a virtual linux system that runs inside a host* computer using the VMware Player.

"Webintense Stealth" is all about security and safe internet use but does not claim to be a security program. It is very unlikely that the Host* computer can be infected while using "Webintense Stealth" but, It is still recommended that the Host computer has appropriate security software.

Using the "Webintense Stealth" Virtual computer greatly reduces the risk of malicious software by using a virtual computer to go online. By using the "Webintense Stealth" desktop to surf the web and download files the Host computer is not open to attack.

"Webintense Stealth" runs on the free VMware player which is easy to use. It is suggested that if you are not used to using VMware that you are careful about making setting adjustments.

It is recommended that a copy of the downloaded zip file be kept in case there is a problem. Webintense and or the "Webintense Stealth" Project is not responsible for any loss of files on the "Webintense Stealth" computer because of operator error.

"Webintense Stealth" is open source and is free to download.
Please help us by making a small donation of $5.00 to help with the server and administration costs.
Webintense Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, Disclaimer and Link to Open Source Information regarding Open Source software.

Webintense makes no guarantee of security. The web is a dangerous place so always be careful.

Host* Computer that VMware is running on
Guest* "Webintense Stealth" Virtual Computer
The Webintense Team thanks you for your interest in the "Webintense Stealth". We are proud of our product and hope you enjoy using it and also sharing it with your friends. Spread the Word!
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